eCommerce Website Cost in UAE/Dubai

Th question of “How much does a website cost to me” is always trending and there are different answers to that. In this article we try to clarify the cost of an eCommerce website in Dubai/UAE market in general. After reading this article, you can have an accurate estimation for you eCommerce website.

relase date 3rd May, 2021
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The number of eCommerce websites in the online market is growing fast, and the types of these websites are becoming more and more various. People are now more eager to buy products online. Especially after the pandemic, a vast number of companies consider opening their online shop beside their store. In such a market, you must be updated to launch a successful eCommerce.
In this article, we will discuss the cost of eCommerce based on the features and modules on that.

In the “How Much Does a Website Cost in Dubai” article, we discussed the cost of a website in general. We suggest you reading it to give you general information about a website’s price in Dubai/UAE. In this article, we will go into details to provide you with an estimation of “How much does an eCommerce cost in Dubai?” for you.

To do that, we will divide modules of an eCommerce website into two categories:
General Modules and Features: This refers to some pages and features in eCommerce websites that are inevitable to have. It means that even a basic eCommerce should include these options.
Optional Modules and Features: This refers to some features and modules optional in an eCommerce website. The more features you add to your website, the more professional and more costly website you will have.

General Modules & Features for an eCommerce Website:

  • Homepage with a standard slider: this is what all the websites need.
  • About us & Contact us pages: must include it in an eCommerce website for people to trust.
  • Responsive Design: Some companies offer responsive design as an option, but we believe that in this market, it is not an option; it is a must.
  • Menu and Sub-Menu: You need to have access to manage your menu when you have an eCommerce because you need to control your products’ categories.
  • Registration for Users: eCommerce websites must have the option to register users to manage their purchase.
  • Products’ Categories and Catalogues: Every eCommerce website has products to sell, and to show them to the users, there should be categories.
  • Inventory management system: Whether you have a small online store or a big one, you need to manage your inventory on the same website platform.
  • Products’ Tags: Sometimes you need to tag products based on their colour, size or ….
  • Search option: Users visiting your eCommerce should have a search option to surf into your products.
  • Email Set-up: Once a purchase is made, an email should be sent to the customer and another to the delivery team to follow up.
  • Check-out system: From creating a basket of products for a user till the payment, would be in this section. It doesn’t make sense to have an online shop without that.

What is the cost of a BASIC eCommerce Website?

A basic eCommerce website including the modules mentioned above would start from 7,000 AED. This cost is for a standard website. If you find an option in the UAE market lower than that, don’t be surprised as you may face a low-quality service, later hidden charges or even scam sellers.

As we mentioned before, this cost can go up to 50,000 AED, depending on the features you need on your website. We will discuss some optional features with their cost so that you can have a better estimation of your project’s price.

Cost of Optional Modules and Features for an eCommerce Website

In addition to the general modules that we discussed, you may want some unique features in your online shop; however, it comes with a cost:

  • Special Slider for Homepage: The slider of your homepage is acting like the showcase of your store. The more appealing it is, the more attractive your eCommerce would be. This is an excellent place to invest your money as you will get a good return. Additional Cost Estimation: from 300 AED up to 1000 AED.
  • Wishlist: This is a widespread feature that most eCommerce websites have. Here you make a place for users to add what they wish to have later. Additional Cost Estimation: 500 AED.
  • Mega Menu: Mega menu is a large menu for your website with the capability of adding photos (to the menu) and some other features for your categories and products. Additional Cost Estimation: 1000 AED
  • Special Offer and Discounts: You can always have a special offer or a coupon to redeem by your customers. If you want to have such a service on your website, you should consider this feature. Additional Cost Estimation: 700 AED
  • SMS Platform: You can send SMS to your customers (Or sellers, delivery men) once a purchase is made. SMS API can be added to your website features if you need this service. Additional Cost Estimation: from 500 AED up to 1000 AED
  • Products’ comparisons: You can give an option to your customers to compare some of your products to each other. Additional Cost Estimation: 1400 AED
  • Additional Language: You can have an Arabic version of your website as well. Additional Cost Estimation: from 1000 AED up to 5000 AED
  • Wallet and Credit System: Instead of having a usual payment method, you may want to have a digital wallet for your customers. This service is top-rated if you wish to have loyal customers. Additional Cost Estimation: from 1000 AED up to 3000 AED
  • Instagram Page: You can add a service that will automatically show the last post of your Instagram on your website. Additional Cost Estimation: 700 AED.

Some more services can be added to the list above, but depending on the nature of your business, the price should be estimated once the details are precise.
Also, there are always some new ideas that can tailor for your eCommerce. Websima DMCC can give you a free consultation if you need any special and unique features for your website. You can also read “Website Design Services” article to understand the whole process of building your website in Websima DMCC.

Finally, the price of an eCommerce Website!

Based on what we have discussed till now, we know that a basic eCommerce website price starts from 7,000 AED and depending on the additional features that your request to have, the price will go up. You can use the below table and sum the prices to estimate the final cost of your desired eCommerce website:


1 Basic eCommerce Website 7000 AED
2 Special Slider for Homepage 500 to 1000 AED
3 Wishlist 500 AED
4 Mega Menu 1000 AED
5 Special Offer and Discounts 800 AED
6 SMS Platform 1000 to 2000 AED
7 Products’ comparisons 1500 AED
8 Wallet and Credit System 1000 to 3000 AED
9 Instagram Page Auto Insert 800 AED
10 Additional Language 1000 to 5000 AED
11 Special Additional Feature Unknown


You can easily use this table to estimate the cost of your eCommerce website.
We are aware that you may find a different range of prices in this market, but keep in mind that if you have a quotation on your hand with an unusual lower or higher price, there should be a problem with it!

Please share your experience with us in the comments. Tell us how much you spent on your eCommerce websites before, and were you satisfied with the outcome?


Thank you for you article. It is really helpful. I am just wondering how much does an eCommerce with the all features mentioned above would be? We should just sum everything or it will have a discount as it is all inclusive?

    Hello and Welcome. Yes we always consider discount for the websites with more features. The amount of the discount can be different depending on the project. This article can just give you an estimation for an eCommerce Website.

Finally I found a good guidance for website and ecommcere price. Just left the comment to say thank you. It really helped me to understand the scope of me exommerce and its cost

    Thank you for your kind comment Fatima. Our purpose is to clarify everything for our customers and all the users who are looking forward to build a website or an ecommerce. Stay safe

Hi, I am looking for a web design company to develop my idea. It is like an ecommerce website with subscription options. Can you tell me how much should I expect that to be?

    Hey Reza
    Thank you for contacting us
    Subscription is kinds of a membership levels which is similar to an ecommerce. You can just follow up the price table and see what feature you will need in your website to estimate the cost of your project. It would be from 7,000 up to 20,000 depending on your requirements.